collection of tricks which you can perfome when you are in the chatroom with your frends
its funny to do this in chatroom. U can write as someone write but id will appear in black color.
how to do? First write your message eg how are you then leave 30 spaces then write your friend id eg pc-gan and include : then write your friend message eg am fine and it will be displayed as
hemedans:how are you
pc-gan:am fine
Magic room can be created when room name and chatroom owner name are the same
Example: i can create room "hemedans" while my id is "hemedans" by this magic room will be created

what effect will occur? When magic room created your id as room owner will be red so you can do the following, first you can trick people as they been kicked (in reality they are not kicked), second u can make people enter and leave room.

example: i can write crazy grape has entered and will be displayed as

hemedans:crazygrape has entered
Make Fool your friend by sending a free
fake gifts Simply do this 1. Type /me and
give a space then use symbol "<<" and then
type "gave a" and then gift name and then use emoticons like that gift name and then
"to" then target id then ">>"

example i can write /me <<give a heart love (emoticon) to moon.marvel>> and it will be displayed as

hemedans <<give a heartloveto moon.marvel>>
To make a super flood 1st hold or
disconnect ur GPRS, now paste text in chat
room as much as you can then connect
your GPRS now your text will start flooding
but you can`t see your text flooding. You
can enter your another id to see what
actually happens....

firs write /me then leave more than 50 space and then write any id example mswaki: then write any words example mambo this will be displayed like this
mswaki: mambo


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